Beautiful pics of Uma Thurman and Vanessa Bayer feet & legs

Uma Karuna Thurman has been an actress for over 20 years. She's appeared in a variety of movies, including romantic comedies and dramas in addition to science fiction and adventure films. In the wake of her appearances on December 1985 and the May covers of British Vogue, Thurman starred in Dangerous Liaisons. Thurman lived in the Buddhist community and spent about two years living in Almora (a town located in Uttarakhand) which is a northern Indian state. Uma Thurman accompanied her son Levon for the opening evening of Cannes Film Festival in 2023. When she reached 16years old, Thurman dropped out of school to pursue a acting career, making her film debut with "Kiss Daddy Goodnight" (1987) it was the low-budget thriller where she portrayed a young seductress that entices unwitting males with promises of sex, only to drug and then rob their wallets. Vanessa Polster Bayer (born Vanessa Polster Bayer) is an American comedian, actor also known as a comedian, writer, and actor. Bayer's most well-known character is as a member of the NBC sketch-comedy series Saturday Night Live, which was on the air between 2010 and 2017. She was awarded an Emmy nomination. Vanessa Polster Bayer is an American comedian and actress. Born on November 14 on the 14th of November, 1981.

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